The Great Chapter Book Dilemma

So in another group of mommy types I belong to there was a great discussion about chapter books.  Or the lack thereof.  Or specifically, the lack of chapter books that might appeal to boys.   My son has resorted to mysteries like Scooby Doo books.  Most books for that age group are specific aimed at girls.

However, we recently discovered The Great Scarab Scam by Valerie Storey.  It’s a mid-grade level chapter book and the main character is a girl.  However, the subject matter is such that it becomes very appropriate for boys.

My son was immediately drawn in by even just the first line which is part of a mummification ritual.  What boy isn’t drawn in by the mysteries of Egypt?  Mine was anyway.  The mystery is well paced and kept him engaged.  Ithink there’s probably a little something here for everyone with a kid of almost any age.  The character is eleven.  My son is eight but he was still very interested.

It might have been a little advanced for him to read alone but together it was just right.  I recommend it to all the moms who have been out there looking for more options that boys might love in the chapter book department.



Filed under AJ, Relax with a book!

3 responses to “The Great Chapter Book Dilemma

  1. Shawna

    You might also try the Knights of the Kitchen Table by Jon Scieszka. A wonderful ‘boy’ book (series actually) full of flatulence and well, snot. : )

  2. talesfromthecrit

    Yes, well, flatulence and snot are always a plus lol

  3. Louise B

    I don’t know if this is too old, but when my boys were in the second and fourth grades, we read Black and Blue Magic together about a boy who is supposed to be a great magician but is actually very clumsy–until he gets a magic potion.

    I sent Valerie’s book to my niece, and she loved it, too.

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